Christophe Jacquod


Cave Christophe Jacquod

Cave Christophe Jacquod
Route de la Croix de Corban 4
1967 Bramois

Téléphone : +41 27 203 92 27
Portable : +41 79 293 54 72

Christophe Jacquod is a passionate winemaker who has dedicated his life to producing the best wine possible. Since 1992, he has been selling grapes, bulk wine and bottled wine using traditional methods and respecting the balance of nature. His love of the job stems from his father, who showed him that working outdoors was rewarding and that it was possible to be happy in these conditions.

With a surface area of 50,000 m² (5 ha), Christophe produces around 30,000 bottles a year, taking care to vinify grape varieties that perfectly express the terroir. He believes that this has a direct impact on the taste of the products. What makes his wine unique and appreciated is his commitment to using only natural products to preserve the quality and productivity of his vines, but also to creating a unique wine that he and his wife enjoy drinking.

But like any passionate craftsman, Christophe faces a number of challenges on a daily basis. Weather conditions, equipment supplies, manpower and planning work at the right time are all challenges he has to overcome to continue producing quality wine.

His main objectives are to have a harvest and wine that sell, and to be able to provide for his family. He maintains his motivation and passion for his job by keeping in close contact with his customers and hearing the positive feedback he receives from them. He also enjoys a job well done and the pride of seeing his vines grow beautifully.

For the future, Christophe plans to pass on his know-how and his business to his daughter, while taking a well-deserved retirement. As a passionate artisan winemaker, Christophe will continue to dedicate his life to producing quality wine and preserving his father’s tradition, while using modern, natural and environmentally-friendly methods.

Cave Christophe Jacquod

« Fat is life. »

Christophe Jacquod

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